This Area contain threads on Colt historical information. Serial number studies etc. It will be a read only forum. 38 61.8K Dec 30, 2019. 38 61.8K Dec 30, 2019. Serial Number:2443xxx. (Full Details) Price: $1,050.00: Colt Handgun - Officers Match, 22 LR, 6 inch barrel, adjustable target sights, made in 1957. Serial Number:73xxx. (Full Details) Price: $895.00: Colt Handgun - Colt trooper MKII 22 mag serial number Y16XXX 6' barrel target hammer and target trigger with target grips made in 1980.
Photos & Information | Disassembly Instructions | Parts Identification | Production Dates |
| Colt Police Positive .32 & Police Positive Target (continued from New Police .32 and New Police Target) and Pequano Model Production Information | Year | Serial Number Range | Year | Serial Number Range | 1907 | 49500-61499 | 1926 | 217000-223999 | 1908 | 61500-66999 | 1927 | 224000-227999 | Pequano | 1909 | 67000-73999 | 1928 | | | 226000 | 1910 | 74000-84499 | 1929 | | | | | 1911 | 84500-93999 | 1930 | | | | | 1912 | 94000-107999 | 1931 | | | | | 1913 | 108000-111999 | 1932 | | | | | 1914 | 112000-123999 | 1933 | 228000-229999 | | | 1915 | 124000-128999 | 1934 | 230000-230999 | | | 1916 | 129000-136999 | 1935 | 231000-232999 | | | 1917 | 137000-141999 | 1936 | 233000-233999 | | | 1918 | 142000-142999 | 1937 | 234000-235499 | | | 1919 | 143000-157999 | 1938 | 235500-238099 | 237000 | 1920 | 158000-168999 | 1939 | | | 1921 | 169000-178999 | 1940 | | | 1922 | 179000-187999 | 1941 | | | 1923 | 188000-198999 | 1942 | | | 1924 | 199000-208999 | 1943 | 238623 | 1925 | 209000-216999 |
Colt Police Positive .38 Special Production Information | Year | Serial Number Range | Year | Serial Number Range | 1908 | 1-12999 | 1941 | 474000-476999 | 1909 | 13000-22499 | 1942 | 477000-478999 | 1910 | 22500-35499 | 1943 | 479000-479499 | 1911 | 35500-50999 | 1944 | 479500-479999 | 1912 | 51000-64999 | 1945 | 480000-480999 | 1913 | 65000-89999 | 1946 | 481000-489999 | 1914 | 90000-109999 | 1947 | 490000-493999 | 1915 | 110000-124999 | 1948 | 494000-501599 | 1916 | 125000-142999 | 1949 | 501600-524999 | 1917 | 143000-144999 | 1950 | 542400-571499 | 1918 | 145000-161999 | 1951 | 571500-607399 | 1919 | 162000-189999 | 1952 | 607400-624849 | 1920 | 190000-224999 | 1953 | 624850-648899 | 1921 | 225000-241999 | 1954 | 648900-662649 | 1922 | 242000-269999 | 1955 | 662650-672049 | 1923 | 270000-282999 | 1956 | 672050-695399 | 1924 | 283000-308999 | 1957 | 695400-710599 | 1925 | 309000-324999 | 1958 | 710600-725599 | 1926 | 325000-330999 | 1959 | 725600-749999 | 1927 | 331000-332999 | 1960 | 750000-776399 | 1928 | 333000-372999 | 1961 | 776400-797499 | 1929 | 373000-382999 | 1962 | 797500-819499 | 1930 | 383000-399999 | 1963 | 819500-839499 | 1931 | 400000-404999 | 1964 | 839500-861499 | 1932 | 405000-411999 | 1965 | 861500-890799 | 1933 | 412000-422999 | 1966 | 890800-D900100 | 1934 | 423000-434999 | 1967 | D900101-D925999 | 1935 | 435000-443999 | 1968 | D926000-D958500 | 1936 | 444000-451999 | 1969 | D994999-A43499 | 1937 | 452000-456999 | 1970 | A43500-B22999 | 1938 | 457000-466999 | 1971 | B23000-B49000 | 1939 | 467000-470999 | 1972 | B49001-C26000 | 1940 | 471000-473999 | 1973 | C26001-F08800 |
Colt Cobra Serial Numbers And Date Of Manufacture
Colt Cobra Serial Number Range
Photos & Information | Disassembly Instructions | Parts Identification | Production Dates |
| Colt Detective Special Production Information in same serial number range as Police Positive Special | Year | Serial Number Range | Year | Serial Number Range | 1927 | 331000-333000 | 1953 | 624851-648900 | 1928 | 333001-373000 | 1954 | 648901-662650 | 1929 | 373001-383000 | 1955 | 662651-672050 | 1930 | 383001-400000 | 1956 | 672051-695400 | 1931 | 400001-405000 | 1957 | 695401-710600 | 1932 | 405001-412000 | 1958 | 710601-725600 | 1933 | 412001-423000 | 1959 | 725601-750000 | 1934 | 423001-435000 | 1960 | 750001-776400 | 1935 | 435001-444000 | 1961 | 776401-797500 | 1936 | 444001-452000 | 1962 | 797501-819500 | 1937 | 452001-457000 | 1963 | 819501-839500 | 1938 | 457001-467000 | 1964 | 839501-861500 | 1939 | 467001-471000 | 1965 | 861501-890800 | 1940 | 471001-474000 | 1966 | 890801 D900101-D926000 | 1941 | 474001-477000 | 1967 | D926001-D958500 | 1942 | 477001-479000 | 1968 | D958501-D995000 | 1943 | 479001-479500 | 1969 | D995001-D998715 A10000-A43500 | 1944 | 479501-480000 | 1970 | A43501-A59999 B01001-B23000 | 1945 | 480001-481000 | 1971 | B23001-B49000 | 1946 | 481001-490000 | 1972 | B49001-B59999 C01001-C26000 | 1947 | 490001-494000 | 1973 | C26001-C60000 F01001-F08800 | 1948 | 494001- 510001-501600 | 1974 | F08801-F60000 H01001-H18100 | 1949 | 501601-501817 515051-519410 525001-542400 | 1975 | H18101-H60000 M01001-M29600 | 1950 | 542401-571500 | 1976 | M29601-M51999 01001M-19200M | 1951 | 571501-607400 | 1977 | 19201M-59999M 01001R-11700R | 1952 | 607401-624850 | 1978 | 11701R-59999R S01001 |
Colt Cobra Serial Number Lookup
UNFIRED, COMPLETE, BRAND NEW IN THE BOX COLT COBRA NICKEL.38 SPECIAL. Model number D3426 - Serial Number 90650M - Confirmed for sale by Bob FFL on GunsAmerica - 967399241. The Gun That Killed Lee Harvey Oswald:.38 Colt Cobra On the 24th November America’s most important prisoner was being transferred to Dallas County jail. Two days earlier 24-year old Lee Harvey Oswald had shot and killed President John F. Kennedy with a scoped Carcano carbine from the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, Texas. Oswald had been picked up just hours after the shooting. The Serial Number Tables linked at the bottom of the page can identify more than 3 million Colt revolvers. I'm also sharing an external link to Colt's Database Search Tool. Colt Database Search.
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