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Click the Home tab. In the Fonts group, click the dialog box launcher button. The button is found in the lower-right corner of the Font group. Use the Dialog box launcher to open the Font dialog. Despite using Microsoft Word for all these years we often stuck on very little things like How to Remove Page Number from the First Page of a document. Recently a friend of mine asked this question and I went blank. A dialog box (also spelled dialogue box, also called a dialog) is a common type of window in the GUI of an operating system.The dialog box displays additional information, and asks a user for input. For example, when you are using a program and you want to open a file, you interact with the 'File Open' dialog box. › Microsoft Word Mac 2016 Change Author Name Tracked Changes ▀ ▀

How to change the author name for comment in Word

To be a kind and gentle collaborator, activate Word 2016’s Tracking feature before you being making changes to someone else’s text: Click the Review tab, and in the Tracking group, click the Track Changes button, shown here. From that point on, any changes made to the document are color-coded based on who is making the. Jul 03, 2014 Question: Q: Need to change name on Track Changes I purchased this MAC all-in-one from my nephew, and although he has deleted his name as the owner, his last name keeps showing up as the person who makes suggestions in Track Changes. Microsoft Office document with track changed enabled. While a user edits document in MS Word 2010 his changes appears properly colour coded and with his actual user name. However, as soon as the document is saved, user's name is changed to word ' Author ' and at. My previous tutorial “How to Change Your User Name for Track Changes in Microsoft Word” shows how to change user names for comments and edits created with Track Changes. However, Word doesn’t have a straightforward way to change user names connected to existing comments and edits, so that tutorial only works for new comments and edits. How To Fix Track Changes in Word for Mac Changing to “Author” and Not Your User Name The fix of changing “Author” to your name is incredibly easy as I said. The hard part was finding where that setting was located. How to Change Your User Name for Track Changes in Word. Important Note: These steps must be completed before you use Track Changes because they don’t change the name associated with existing edits or comments. Word doesn’t have a straightforward way to change user names connected to existing edits or comments.

This article is talking about changing the default author name for comments, or changing the existing author name in a document to a new one. Please try the below two methods.

Change the comments’ author name for future use

If you want to change the comment’s author name for future use, please change the User Name in Word Options window.

1. In an opened Word document, click File > Options. In the Word Options window, make sure you are locating in the General tab, change the name in the User name box as below screenshot shown, and finally click the OK button.

Now you have changed the default user name for comments in Word document.

Change the existing comment’s author name of a document

If you have received a document with lots of comments, and you want to change all comments’ author names to a certain one, the following VBA code will do you a favor.

1. Select the range contains comments or select the whole document you will change the author names by pressing the Ctrl + A keys, press the Alt + F11 keys to open the Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window.

2. In the opening Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications window, click Insert > Module. Then copy below VBA code into the Module window.

VBA code: Change the existing comments’ author name of document

3. Press the F5 key to run the code. In the opening Comments Author Name dialog box, enter the new author name into the textbox and click the OK button.

4. In the next opening Comments initials dialog box, enter the initials as you need and click the OK button.

Then all comments’ author names in selected range are changed to the specified one immediately as below screenshot shown.

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Microsoft Word Mac 2016 Change Author Name Tracked Changes Free

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Microsoft Word Mac 2016 Change Author Name Tracked Changes In Windows 10

  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Many thanks for this. Works Perfect. A warning though; all comments will be changed, regardless of multiple authors. Something that didn't bother me.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Here is a modified Macro that will allow you to first specify the Name your want to replace in case there are other comments that you don't want to modify.
    Sub ChangeCommentAuthor()
    'Updated by EntendOffice 20181112
    Dim I As Long
    Dim xOldName As String
    Dim xNewName As String
    Dim xShortName As String
    If Selection.Comments.Count = 0 Then
    MsgBox 'No comments in your selection!', vbInformation, 'KuTools for Word'
    Exit Sub
    End If
    xOldName = InputBox('Old author name?', 'KuTools for Word')
    xNewName = InputBox('New author name?', 'KuTools for Word')
    xShortName = InputBox('New author initials?', 'KuTools for Word')
    If xOldName = ' Or xNewName = ' Or xShortName = ' Then
    MsgBox 'The author name/initials can’t be empty.', vbInformation, 'Kutools for Word'
    Exit Sub
    End If
    With Selection
    For I = 1 To .Comments.Count
    If .Comments(I).Author = xOldName Then
    .Comments(I).Author = xNewName
    .Comments(I).Initial = xShortName
    End If
    Next I
    End With
    End Sub
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    The VBA script worked perfectly to change the name of the author to my company name. Thank you!
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.

Have you ever wanted (or needed) to be an incognito editor, a covert reviewer, or a clandestine collaborator? Difference between microsoft office and office 365. If so, this post is for you—or for your secret identity—because it demonstrates how to change your user name for Track Changes in Microsoft Word.

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This tutorial is also available as a YouTube video showing all the steps in real time.

Watch more than fifty other videos about Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat on my YouTube channel.

The images below are from Word for Office 365, which is currently the same as Word 2019. The steps are the same in Word 2016, Word 2013, and Word 2010, however, your interface may look slightly different in those older versions of the software.

How to Change Your User Name for Track Changes in Word

Important Note: These steps must be completed before you use Track Changes because they don’t change the name associated with existing edits or comments. Word doesn’t have a straightforward way to change user names connected to existing edits or comments.

However, you can replace user names with the default label Author for all existing and future edits and comments, as shown in “How to Remove User Names from Existing Track Changes in Microsoft Word.”

1. Select the Review tab in the ribbon.

2. Select the dialog box launcher in the Tracking group.

Microsoft Word Mac 2016 Change Author Name Tracked Changes Free

3. Select the Change User Name button in the Track Changes Options dialog box.

Microsoft Word Mac 2016 Change Author Name Tracked Changes List

4. Change the user name and/or the initials in the Word Options dialog box.

Pro Tip: You can also open the Word Options dialog box by selecting the File Tab followed by Options in the backstage view.

Microsoft Word Mac 2016 Change Author Name Tracked Changes Pdf

5. Check the box in front of “Always use these values regardless of sign in to Office” if you want to save these changes for future documents.

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6. Select the OK button to save your changes.

Your updated user name should now appear when you add new comments and edits.

Microsoft Word Mac 2016 Change Author Name Tracked Changes 2017

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Further Reading:

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